Are you thinking about attending the European Cytology Congress in Germany this year? Why not book to arrrive a day earlier so you don’t miss this great opportunity.
• The IAC is offering an in-person Pre-Congress one day tutorial on Saturday, 22nd June 2024.
• Expert international faculty will be presenting “Lectures and Unknown Cases”.
• Reduced registration for IAC members
• Registrants who meet the criteria may apply for membership for 2024 with waived membership fees (Application forms on-site).
• Room: Handel Hall, Messehalle am Zoo, Leipzig, Germany.
The Pre-Congress Tutorial last year in Budapest was a great success. Both faculty and registrants had a great experience and this year will not disappoint.
A day full of lectures and unknown cases expertly presented by the experienced international faculty.
To round the day off, the IAC Registrar, Donna Russell, will light-heartedly put you through your paces and everyone with a smartphone can participate in an end of day quiz illustrating just how the IAC exams look now they are digital.
IAC members have reduced registration fees.