9-11th April 2025, Krakow, Poland – Ninth Annual Course of Academy of Immunohistochemistry – Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Pathology
Dear Colleague Pathologist,
We are glad to announce that we proceed with organization of the subsequent (the ninth) edition of the teaching course Academy of Immunohistochemistry – Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Pathology for Pathologists” to be held at 9-11th of April 2025 in Krakow.
The course is organized by the Department of Pathomorphology, Jagiellonian University, Department of Tumor Pathology, M. Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, and supported by Nordic Immunohistochemical Quality Control (NordiQC) organization, Polish Society of Pathologists and Norwegian Society of Pathology. The organizing office is the Department of Promotion and Information/Section of Conferences of Jagiellonian University, Krakow.
The course is mainly designated for practicing pathologists and pathologists-in-training, especially those who are interested in diagnostic procedures using immunohistochemistry. Our course may by also useful for biologists and biomedical scientists. This 3-days course will cover immunohistochemical issues in gastrointestinal tract, female reproductive system, dermatopathology, soft tissues, lymphoproliferative diseases, and digital pathology . Separate lectures will be devoted for molecular diagnostics in clinical practice (NEW!) aa well as technical aspects and rational costs of IHC procedures.
Just like last years, we are going to expand the program of the course with additional live microscopy session (so-called consultation corner), this time it will be dedicated to the gynaecological, and soft tissue pathology, dermatopathology and lymphoproliferative diseases conducted by distinguished experts: prof. Anais Malpica, Ben Davidson, Markku Miettinen, Anna Porwit and Thomas Mentzel. Since 2018 we also consequently expand the range of topics concerning molecular tests relevant to diagnostic procedures and targeted therapies. One day of the course will be almost entirely dedicated for introduction to molecular testing of cancer and practical applications of molecular techniques for tumor differential diagnostics. The application to the EACCME® is submitted for CME accreditation.
Course Faculty: Susana Aguilar (Espania), Andrew Bellizzi (USA), Ben Davidson (Norway), Pavel Dundr (Chech Republik), Hans Gelderblom (Netherlands), Beata Grygalewicz (Poland), Jan Klos (Sweden), Konstanty Korski (Germany), Jerzy Lasota (USA), Anna Laury(Finlands), Anais Malpica (USA), Thomas Mentzel (Germany), Markku Miettinen (USA), Andrzej Mróz (Poland), Iris Nagtegaal (Netherlands) , Søren Nielsen (Denmark), Anna Porwit (Sweden) Monika Prochorec- Sobieszek (Poland), Hans-Ulrich Schildhaus (Germany), Regine Schneider-Stock (Germany), Søren Nielsen (Denmark), Kjetil Taskén (Norway).
To register for the course, please click HERE.
The registration will be open till March, 30th.
For details regarding the course program, please check: https://ihc-academy.cm-uj.krakow.pl/
Please, notice that the number of participants is limited to 120 only. If you are of any reason not able to participate this time, please kindly forward this information to your colleagues.
In case of any inquires do not hesitate to contact our conference office at <konferencje@uj.edu.pl>
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Janusz Ryś MD Course Director
Head of Dept. of Tumor Pathology
M. Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Institute and Centre of Oncology, Cracow, Poland